Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blueteeth are so frustrating

Well I made it to Tulsa with no problems or complications. I made it here yesterday afternoon and quickly dropped my trailer at the yard so that I could bobtail a few exits down to Best Buy. Best Buy is the anti Christ. I swear, I have a built in sense that detects a Best Buy better than any GPS. As a matter of fact, my GPS directions to Best Buy were incorrect and as I was following the GPS directions, which told me that it was about 2 miles further, I noticed that I was in an area that a Best Buy can usually be found. Low and behold, one glance to the left and there she was. I promise, you give me a Home Depot, a Target, and a Buffalo Wild Wings, and I'll show you a nearby Best Buy. What was I in search of at Best Buy you ask? A fuhreakin bluetooth that I can fuhreakin hear with. Dadgumit those things frustrate me to no end. I promise you, I have 4 of these things, yes 4...Well, 5 now....The bluetooth makers must be worried about a lawsuit from damaging peoples hearing because I have yet to find one that I can hear what the heck people are saying. UNTIL NOW!!! Hahaaaaaa! .....Introducing, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Motorola Motorokr T505. What is this mastermind of bluetooth technology you ask? This bad boy links to my phone just as a regular bluetooth, clips to my visor, and is also linked through my stereo in the truck which broadcasts the person on the other end through the speakers in the truck. Hahaaaaa!!!! I cant hear you? Welllll, just let me turn the volume up on the truck stereo. I love this thing, I just sit and talk. Nothing hanging around my ear, its just as if you are right next to me. Finally after wasting hundreds of dollars on blueteeth, I found a winner.

I am delivering this load here in Tulsa tomorrow morning to a KMart that is having roofing work done. Then I will come back to the terminal, go through the inspection bay, clear safety, clear logging, and finally meet my fleet manager with whom I have developed a very good working relationship with, I look forward to that.

I never should have had that chocolate pie after my steak and eggs at Waffle House, uuugghhh.

1 comment:

  1. Had another visit to the blog. It's coming along nicely. And yes, the new blue tooth is wonderful, You Sound Good! Have a great day!
