Saturday, June 6, 2009

I almost forgot, this was funny

Right after I posted that blog down there I remembered something that happened to day that was kinda funny and very satisfying. I was on 80 in Nebraska and we were coming up on a construction zone that lowered the speed limit to 55 and we lost the left lane. I had a feeling that the England driver ahead of me was going to do about 55 or less through there so I tried, unsuccessfully to get around him before we entered the work zone. The work zone was about 10 miles in length and, yes, the England driver not only did as expected, he did worse. At one point we did 40 through there and averaged about 45 to a 55 zone. Not to mention it was a nonactive work zone (no workers). By the end, there were about 5 or 6 drivers that were ready to kill the guy. He didnt have his radio on but that didnt stop the verbal abuse that he received. I said 2 things during the entire ordeal. I said "England, theyll let you do 55 through here, I promise you man"...and...I said..."the speed doesnt bother me, I have nothing but time to get where Im goin, I just dont understand how someone can go 40 -45 in a 55 and think thats ok, with a line of trucks behind him"......sooooo......As we exited the work zone, I quickly passed him, as did the truck behind me. The only difference is I kept on going but the truck behind me had other plans. Once he passed England, he got over on front of him and slowed way down. England then got out in the left lane to pass him and when he did, every truck in that line fell in behind the other truck in the slow lane. By this time, I am up ahead but in my rearview I see a line of about 30 trucks on the slow lane and our friend the England driver all by his lonesome in the hammer lane. Little did he know that a mile ahead of him was another work zone and he would soon need back in that right lane....YEA RIGHT!....Of course no one let him over and he came to a complete stop at the merge point and waited until the last truck went by... I think it was kind of extreme punishment but I enjoyed the hell out of it



  1. I Love It! It's always nice to see someone who is so inconsiderate of others get a bit of payback. I would have laughed all the way down the highway. Have a great weekend!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jimmy! That is awesome! I ran back alot of roads this week and was always stuck behind some putz doing 5-10 mph less than the limit. Great blog man

  4. Actually driver. this blog post only shows us your ignorance. I hate to be the one to tell you this. But you my friend are what is wrong with the industry today. The slower truck was not being inconsiderate. He was being cautious. Maybe he was new and wanted to be safe. By the way you acted to this and your attitude about it, you only prove that you are an inconsiderate asswipe. Thank god I only have 3 more months until I retire. I cannot stand to this industry sink even further that it already has with idiots like you crying about someone trying to get safely thru a construction zone. Tell me Jimmy, do you drive thru the truckstops on the high side of your transmission.
