Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Last Day

I wish I could explain the feeling I always get the day before I go back on the road. It is definitely an anxious feeling and when I say anxious I mean that as a form of the word anxiety. Dont get me wrong, I love the road and I look forward to getting back out there. Its just that, I take trucking so seriously and I become so focused on trucking while I am on the road, maybe culture shock is a good way to describe it. Life on the road is not only a physical change but very much a mental and emotional change from being at home. Whatever it is, I look forward to getting back out there but, at the same time, cant get the thought of a month or more of 24/7 hardcore trucking out of my mind. Often I spend my last day home, alone and in kind of a daze, packing and mentally gearing up for the road.

My sister and I were sharing a nice house that our other sister owns, but Robin recently moved out, as I will do probably do during my next hometime. Robin owned the washer and dryer so I had to go to a laundrymat yesterday. While in the laundrymat, a local YouTuber that I have chatted with once or twice, approached me out of the blue and said "hey man, I love your videos". I was shocked because I didnt recognize him. Of everything that I did while at home, that was probably the most exciting, lol. Sad huh? Randy, aka Blue, is a really cool guy and I hope we can hang sometime. We exchanged numbers and went our seperate ways.

Overall, it was a good and productive hometime for me. I got just about everything done that was on my Jimmydo list. Ok, I cant lie, I got about half of it done. As usual, I made a list that I definitely WOULD be doing, and by day 2 started checking off things that could wait, lol. Like cleaning out the truck. I can do that on the road, right?

Well lets go eat....theres a good Mexican restaurant on South Parkway that has great white cheese, Mmmmmmm

Talk soon


  1. Way cool being spotted by a YouTube fan...and ah, glad to see I'm not the only one with sliding "To Do" lists, lol!! Mmm...that Mexican food sounds guud. Appreciate those insights about what it's like to get into the zone for the unknown the road will bring. Safe journey!


  2. Hey Bro, This is Blue. I'm glad you did'nt mind me blowing in while you were trying to do your laundry. I felt stupid when I left but was glad i stoped in.
    Jimmy , you aint the only one that has that feeling when its time to head out. I felt the same way and I think that any trucker worth there weight in fuel tickets knows that feeling . It comes from the feeling of leaving our loved ones and being alone. Plus the fact that we are not 100% sure we'll make it back. I tell everyone that I'm a "two time professional" been there, done that, aleast two times.But we never know whats around the bend. Be careful, stay smart, live to drive another mile and make another doller!!!
    I didnt get your # so you will have to call or text me bro. Hope to hear from you soon !

  3. Dont even think that Randy, that was really cool meeting you. I will keep in touch man


  4. yeah, i hate being out here and alone. but you can call us anytime ya know.. :0)

    Jim and Jan

  5. Ahh Jimmy you got it going on dont work to hard on the big road Much Love and Respect you and Jack

  6. You mean ol' fulla you! Putting poor little Jack back to work already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha
    Ooooops! I forgot! Jack needs to get out there so all his fans can catch up with him!

    On a serious note - keep it safe, Jimmy. The first week back is always the hardest for me!

